FEGLI Conversion
The term conversion is when a policy is converted (changed) into another type of policy, i.e. from a group life insurance policy to an individual policy without undergoing a physical examination to qualify. Â If you are a Federal or Postal Employee you will need to understand how the term ‘Conversion’Â relates to FEGLI.
Your coverage as an employee ceases when you resign, complete 12 months in a non-pay status or when you retire.  Regarding any of the above conditions, if you need life insurance, you can consider converting to a non-group individual policy and you will not have to be given a physical examination to qualify.  With FEGLI (watch the video) this is challenging due to the typicaly costs associated with the new ‘converted’ policies available.  If you are healthy, you would typically be better off Comparing your FEGLI on the internet or with a qualified FEGLI expert against the open market to determine the best option available for you and your family.
You may also want to convert to avoid the Mandatory Reduction in FEGLI Option A that commences upon reaching age 65 and you are retired. You can also choose to continue your Basic insurance into retirement and convert some or all of your optional insurance.
It should be noted that if you assign your insurance, you forfeit the right to convert your coverage leaving that privilege open only to the assignee. We will talk more in upcoming posts about Assigning your insurance.
Having a good understanding of FEGLI will assist you and your family in planning for and taking care of the final business of your life.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
For more information federal and postal Retirement Planning
Additional FEGLI information HERE
For access to your TSP.gov login
Postal employees can access their LiteBlue.usps.gov account from here