FEGLI Option C
In previous articles we discussed Basic insurance and Options A and B and various FEGLI rates. Now let’s talk about the third option under the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance – Option C. Option C is Family Insurance. As with Options A and B, Option C’s premiums are also based on age. Coverage continues into retirement
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Option C provides life insurance for your spouse and unmarried, dependent children, excluding foster children. Option C covers your spouse between 1 and 5 multiples of $5,000 and the children between the same multiples of $2,500.
With Option C you have two opportunities to make an election — first at retirement and shortly before your 65th birthday. Even if you are already 65, you still have two opportunities to make an election at retirement and shortly after retirement.
With Option C, you may choose two levels of coverage at first election: Full or No Reduction for all multiples. With Full Reductionq, at age 65 the amount of your Option C will start to reduce at 2% a month until it reaches zero.
However, if you chose No Reduction, at the first election, the full amount of your Option C will continue until your death unless you change to Full Reduction. At the second election, you can also choose Full or no Reduction for any or all multiples under Option C.
A Special Note: If you choose not to stop the future reduction of coverage when you reach age 65, your premiums will cease and your coverage will drop 2% per month for approximately 50 months, after this period your coverage will cease. If you choose not to end coverage, your premiums will continue.
Take your time in examining and understanding your options so that you will be pleased with the decisions you make to protect you and your loved ones.
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Click HERE for information on FEGLI
Click HERE for information on TSP.gov login
Click HERE for information on FEGLI Calculator
P.S.  Always Remember to Share What You Know.