Flexibility of the Five-Year Rule
The five-year rule for transporting your FEHB into retirement is not necessarily a hard and fast rule. There are circumstances under which OPM will grant a pre-approved waiver of the FEHB five-year rule to federal employees.  Some of the circumstances are outlined below:
- When a federal employee has been under the FEHB program continuously since the initial date of the agency’s most recent statutory buyout authority or an OPM
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- When an employee receives a buyout or takes an early optional retirement or discontinued service retirement based on an involuntary separation because of a Reduction in Force (RIF)Â a directed reassignment, a reclassification to a lower grade or when a position is abolished.
OPM will also consider other waivers (in addition to the five-year rule) on an individual or limited basis.
Postal employess can access their FEHB benefits through PostalEase and LiteBlue
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