~~Where Will Your Retirement Income come from?
The majority of Americans will receive income from Social Security, an Employee Pension, and Savings and Investments. Will you have all of the sources listed? If you are a federal employee chances are you will. As a federal employee you have the advantage of an Employee Pension (Annuity), FERS employees lso have Social Security under their retirement system. CSRS employees
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Although retirement income may come from many other sources such as an inheritance, life insurance, or equity in your home, the majority of Americans will receive income from Social Security, a Pension or personal savings and investments.
Where will your retirment income come from when you retire is a question to ponder and give deep consideration when evaluating your financial health and readiness for retirement.  If you are nearing retirement you should absolutely speak with a financial professional who is an expert in your unique benefits before you make any decisions.
P. S.  Always Remember to Share What You Know.
More information on your TSP.gov accountÂ
Postal employees can access their LiteBlue information from here