Are there consequences for collecting your annuity under FERS before reaching age 62?
The FERS regulations state that if an employee completes 10 years of service but less than 30 years of creditable service before separation from service, the proposed annuity will be reduced if it commences before reaching age 62.
There is one exclusion in the regulation. If a FERS
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Postponing receipt of your annuity until you reach age 62 will eliminate the age reduction provision. OPM asks that persons submitting applications for retirement annuities, submit the application at least 60 days in advance so as to avoid delays in processing.
When submitting applications and any other information to the Office of Personnel Management make certain that the information is correct and complete. Fashion a checklist so that you will be sure that all requested information has been included. The more accurate and complete your information, the quicker it can be processed.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.