FEGLI: Order of Precedence
Now that we have discussed how a death claim will be paid. Let’s discuss to whom the death benefit will be paid. The Federal Government uses what is termed an Order of Precedence. The FEGLI Order of Precedence has no attachment to your Will. The Federal Government does not get involved in Wills and Probate. Instead, if there is no assignment of your FEGLI (Life Insurance) and no valid court order exists then the order is as follows ranging from first to sixth and in that order:
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1. Designated FEGLI Beneficiary(s).
2. If no designation – widow or widower
3. If neither 1 nor 2 exists, your FEGLI will pass to the child or children. If any child or children is deceased, then equal shares will be paid to the descendants of the deceased child or children. If minors are involved, then the court will usually appoint a guardian to receive payment for the minor children.
4. If the above situation does not exist, then to the parents in equal shares or the whole to the surviving parent.
5. If none of the conditions above exists, then to the administrator or executor of the estate.
6. If all five of the conditions do not exist, then the next of kin as designated by the State in which the deceased lived – not the state in which the deceased died.
When planning your retirement future, it is important to gather and understand as much information as possible. Discuss the information with family and loved ones you trust.  You can also check with your HR office about your current beneficiary designations and possibly with a qualified local FEGLI expert who can help you with your insurance selections and decisions.
P. S. Always Remember to Share What You Know.
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